
Eliminare il timer dai siti di Upload

Eliminare il timer dai siti host


Come sappiamo molto spesso andando nei siti di upload bisogna aspettare sempre più di trenta secondi prima di poter cominciare a scaricare il file...

Per evitare tutto questo basta mettere nella barra degli indirizzi il seguente codice mentre il timer si è avviato:

CODICE:  javascript:alert(c=1)


Setup Darkcomet RAT RC5

How To : Setup Darkcomet RAT RC5
Tutorial By HaXZX0r

Please note that this information was written for educational purposes ONLY! I´m NOT responsible for YOUR actions.

Welcome HackRules user. In this tutorial i will be showing you how to setup Darkcomet RC5 . This RAT is one of the most stable ones out there. My own opinion about this RAT is:

Very stable
Great fun functions (especially the piano)
Always updated
Easy to use


Thing you need:

Darkcomet RC5
A portforwarded port
And a No-IP
NOTE: JUST FOLLOW THE "Setting Up No-Ip Hosts" and "No-IP Client" in Plutoniums tutorial

NOTE2: You can use the built in No-IP updater but i won´t explain it because it easy to use.

Step 1

First we will need to go to "Connection" and then click on "Add socket" a little box should popup.
In the little textbox you should add the port you have forwarded. And simply click "Listen"



Now you will need to go to "Edit Server" a little bar should reveal itself. Now on the bar there should be two things to choose on. You will need to click on "Normal Mode". Now you should see this form:

[Image: 22498622.jpg]

On the "Port:" add your forwarded port. And in the "Ip / DNS" add your no-ip host. For instance "Example.no-ip.biz". And for the mutex just press generate! (the algebra thing :roflmaoSmile And now let´s move on to the ID. The text you type in here is the text your server will have when it appears on the SIN. On the startup check it and add "schost" instead of "Keyname". Now check "Sys32" and delete all text in other and type in "schost.exe". Now check "Hide process" and "Hide File" and change "Write settings in:"
from EOF to RES. And now as simple as that press generate!



First click on edit server and then on "Expert mode" then a box should popup.

To the left you should see "Main settings" click it.
And press "Random" for the mutex a couple of times. Now give your server an ID or you can just leave it but i recommend changing it to : If you for instance are uploading a fake MW keygenerator name it "MWgen" so you know witch one of your binded/crypted things the victim has fallen into. and if you get lot of victims from the MWgen upload another one say like "NEWEST VERSION!" and get more victims.
Now let´s go over to the protect by password. If you check it your server will require a password when it appears on the SIN. You can just leave the other things again...

Let´s move forward to connection settings this is the MOST important part of the server. The box should look like this:

[Image: lolniceeee.jpg]

In the IP-Adress add your No-IP. For instance "example.no-ip.biz.com". In the port box (it´s pretty obvious) add your portforwarded port. You can just leave the other things....

Now click on the "Server Startup" tab.
This is what it will look like:

[Image: ytyyt.png]

On the Installation path add "Sys32#\" and schost.exe as the name. You can ofcourse change the name to something else then "schost.exe". If you are going to bind your server i recommend to click on melt server. What this will do is to kill the server AFTER the victim has started it. Scroll down.. I recommend installing with ActiveX startup because its harder to spot it there Smile . And check the box were it says "Start with userInit.exe".

Now we are on the "Server Shield" tab that looks like this:

[Image: loleeeerr.jpg]

Check the following:

Hide Partially Process

And on File Attribute and on Parent folder attribute check:

Hidden / System and Read only. And check Disable AV notify and check Disable Firewall notify.

Let´s move on to Anti-Virtual Box there just check the "Active Anti-Virtual box" checkbox. You can change the icon using icon settings but it´s not necessary if you are going to bind it but if you are not going to bind it i do really recommend to change the icon.Now click on the "Generate server" tab. Check "Activate Offline Keylogger on startup" And the check the "I accept the Darkcomet Eula" And simply press Create Server. And now are you finally finished!!!

Credits ViRuzz™ For the portforwarding tutorial
Credits Plutonium For the No-IP tutorial

If you have questions. Don´t post new threads. Just post here or PM me.

You CAN copy and paste this tutorial BUT you have to give proper credits!


[WinXP] Ridurre il tempo di spegnimento


[WinXP] Ridurre il tempo di spegnimento

Aprite il registro di sistema (Start ---> Esegui ---> e digitate "regedit" ---> cliccate su OK)

Prima chiave:

Navigate fino a trovare la chiave:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Contro l\Session Manager\Memory Management

Selezionate la voce "ClearPageFileAtShutdown" dalla lista di destra.

cliccate 2 volte su di essa e impostate il valore su 0.

Seconda chiave:

Navigate fino alla chiave:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop

nella lsta di destra cercate la chiave "AutoEndTasks", se non esiste createla dal menu Strumenti --->Modifica ---> Nuovo ---> create una nuova stringa, nominatela "AutoEndTasks" (senza virgolette) ed assegnatele il valore 1

Sempre nella lista di destra trovate la stringa "HungAppTimeout" e modificatene il valore a 500

Scorrete infine sino alla stringa "WaitToKillAppTimeout" e modificatene il valore assegnato portandolo a "2500".

Ravviate il PC per rendere effettive le modifiche e provate la velocità di spegnimento se è diminuita


creare distro debian per anonimato

If you really want to you can build your own Debian based Tor live-cd. Here's generally how you can do it. For additional and, very likely, more up to date or correct information see  http://live.debian.net/ or visit on IRC @  irc://irc.oftc.net/#debian-live.

1. Add the repository from ' http://live.debian.net/debian lenny-snapshots main'

2. Install the Debian package 'live-build'

3. Navigate to some empty build area

4. Build a script file (with execution privileges!) or just enter you configuration directives like:

lh config -b iso -a i386 -d lenny --apt apt -p gnome --username liveuser--packages "tor polipo vidalia"

(inside the --packages quotes throw in whatever other packages you fancy)

Use additional commands to create the path where we're going to dump various configuration files:

mkdir -p config/chroot_local-includes/etc/polipo
mkdir -p config/chroot_local-includes/etc/tor
mkdir -p config/chroot_local-includes/home/liveuser/.vidalia

Now dump the contents where they belong:

cp polipo.conf config/chroot_local-includes/etc/polipo

(assuming you already copied the correct polipo configuration file from  here)

cp torrc config/chroot_local-includes/etc/tor

(assuming you already have your favorite torrc waiting for you in the build area)

cp vidalia.conf config/chroot_local-includes/home/liveuser/.vidalia

(assuming you already configured all necessary passwords and vidalia configurations and copied it over to the build area)

Now add the Tor repository so the program can install Tor from the 'net:

echo "deb http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org lenny main" > config/chroot_sources/tor.chroot

Add the Tor gpg key:

gpg --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --recv 886DDD89
gpg --export A3C4F0F979CAA22CDBA8F512EE8CBC9E886DDD89 > tor.gpg
cp tor.gpg config/chroot_sources/tor.chroot.gpg

Finish with the build command and order the output to save to a log file:

lh build 2>&1 | tee build.log

5. Wait an hour or so and it just might work. An emulator that works well for testing purposes is 'virtualbox.'

There are tons of neat customizations you can do with this. You can copy over firewall rules and make yourself a transparent proxy server on a disk; also customize the browser by removing your user's .mozilla folder, opening up iceweasel and bookmarking sites or editing browser settings and copying the new .mozilla folder over to the build environment for inclusion into the build process and add 'iceweasel' and whatever other add-ons to the packages list.

mostrare visualizzare vedere sullo schermo i tasti bottoni che stiamo premendo in tempo reale

andate a questo link dove potete scaricare il programma che non necessita di installazione estraete dove volete e avviatelo

link:  http://katastrophos.net/magnus/blog/2008/08/01/keypose-flavour-your-screencasts-with-shortcuts/